
Chto Delat

Chto Delat

15 December 2021 to 28 February 2022

Atrium, Hall Black Box and Annex Studios.

In 2003 a group of artists, philosophers and writers founded the Russian collective Chto Delat. The name, which translates as ¿What is to be done?¿, formulates a highly relevant question in these times of crisis. The group¿s approach to projects is linked to devices developed by authors like Brecht, Godard and Fassbinder. That great variety and versatility is illustrated in this group of works that entered the collection of the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo after the exhibition Cuando pensábamos que teníamos todas las respuestas, la vida cambió las preguntas (2017). That show¿s ironic title (¿When we thought we had all the answers, life changed the questions¿) pointed out the ability of capitalist and authoritarian regimes to change the rules of the game at any time, and on the need for malcontents within those regimes to create temporary autonomous zones of action.

The great crisis in which we are now immersed may well be the moment when they changed the questions on us, just when we thought we had the answers. These pieces depict the angels and heroes of that historical resistance to retrograde movements. Other works deal with the educational and transformative action of the artistic avant-garde movements, especially in Russia, and also address the dilemma of those torn between the desire to retreat to a safe haven and lick their wounds and the need to continue the struggle for change despite the risks.


· Download Exhibition Labels here.

· Download Gallery Sheet here.

· Album on Flickr.


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/image/journal/article?img_id=202292557&t=1667409947501 Photo credit: Garden of Catastrophes, 2017, polycarbonate and Lightouse (Its Is Getting Darker), 2017, mixed technique. Junta de Andalucía. Collection CAAC

Photo credit: Garden of Catastrophes, 2017, polycarbonate and Lightouse (Its Is Getting Darker), 2017, mixed technique. Junta de Andalucía. Collection CAAC